Love Unconditionally…


I love this quote because dogs love us unconditionally. They think we’re perfect. You may have had a really challenging day at work, then when you walk through the front door, your precious dog is wagging its tail with excitement because you are home! Everything seems to shift from within and before you know it, you have a smile on your face. (I like to think of a dog’s tail wagging as their smile.) We had a bichon frise, and she would actually smile at you! It was awesome and wow did she make you feel loved!

This quote got me thinking about how I react in certain situations, be it outwardly or from within. I began to smile as I thought about this… I want to be the person my dog thinks I am, and I can’t think of a simpler way to go about your day than to picture the joy your dog displays when you arrive home. I really want to love unconditionally.

My challenge to you is to picture in your mind a warm, cuddly, loving dog just waiting for your arrival after a long day. When you are faced with a situation that may arise, take a moment to shift your thoughts to that dog… I am sure it will alter your perspective and the outcome will be one that shows who you genuinely are… a soul that loves unconditionally.

With much love,


About I am Alice

If anyone would have asked me three years ago if I had ever considered writing books, I would have promptly answered, "No." Today, it is a very natural feeling to write. I suppose since I enjoy talking so much, and I mean a lot, it should not have surprised me! I love communicating through writing as I feel completely united with my soul and my thoughts flow, often times as well as tears as I am altogether emerged in that feeling, in that moment. Check out the "About Alice" page to find out why I titled this site, "I am Alice" and why, "It Feels Good To Be ME."
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