Change Too Is A Gift…


All too often, we dread change, we see it as a negative in our life.  For many years, this is exactly how I viewed change.  I’ve come to know the way one views change is definitely a mindset.  And what I’ve come to appreciate, is that change is a positive in life.

It’s a normal part of our progress on the pilgrimage through life.  Once I began to embrace change, welcoming it, I found myself at peace, and I found that my feelings shifted from fear to faith.  It genuinely felt as though I was receiving a gift, a present.  One that would offer me the chance to draw closer to my goal of living from my highest self.

I greatly desire to live aligned with God, always.  I see change as the opportunity to nurture the yearning that I have to live in harmony with my source.  I believe change is the crux to living life with a heart filled with gratitude for everything in your life.  Living with a faith that passes all understanding.

Let’s receive change with an open heart, as we expand our heart space to welcome the new into our life.  Change is also a beautiful reminder that we are moving forward on this exploration through life.

With much love,


About I am Alice

If anyone would have asked me three years ago if I had ever considered writing books, I would have promptly answered, "No." Today, it is a very natural feeling to write. I suppose since I enjoy talking so much, and I mean a lot, it should not have surprised me! I love communicating through writing as I feel completely united with my soul and my thoughts flow, often times as well as tears as I am altogether emerged in that feeling, in that moment. Check out the "About Alice" page to find out why I titled this site, "I am Alice" and why, "It Feels Good To Be ME."
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