Do More Of What Makes Your Heart Flutter…


This inspirational piece of artwork by Kelly Rae Roberts hangs on the wall in my office. Kelly’s artwork inspires me so much. On each wall in my office I have at least one of her inspiring pieces that I am continually drawn to as they speak to my soul on a very deep level.

This one in particular is a lovely and gentle reminder to do more of what makes your heart flutter. Sometimes you can get so busy in the day to day affairs of your life that you temporarily forget to pause and think upon what really makes you genuinely, authentically, happy.

I believe it is so important to take time for yourself each day. Meditating, praying, focusing on what you desire out of life. This exercise will help to keep you in check with what makes your heart flutter. You’ll be amazed by how you will find the time to enjoy whatever it is that makes you smile from the inside out. You will be drawn to it by your inspiration from within.

Today, take a few minutes to reflect upon what makes YOUR heart flutter.

With much love,


About I am Alice

If anyone would have asked me three years ago if I had ever considered writing books, I would have promptly answered, "No." Today, it is a very natural feeling to write. I suppose since I enjoy talking so much, and I mean a lot, it should not have surprised me! I love communicating through writing as I feel completely united with my soul and my thoughts flow, often times as well as tears as I am altogether emerged in that feeling, in that moment. Check out the "About Alice" page to find out why I titled this site, "I am Alice" and why, "It Feels Good To Be ME."
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