Gratitude Changes Everything…

photo-901  Have you ever noticed when you are in a state of gratitude, how happy you feel? It’s true!

The other day, I was not aligned with my highest self and I found myself complaining about all sorts of things. I was focused on the negative and I felt it immediately. As soon as I became aware of this negative state, I shifted my focus upon the things in my life that I am grateful for.

For example, I started with, “Thank you for this beautiful fall day filled with sunshine.” I continued offering up prayers of thanksgiving for many blessings that are in my life, and before I knew it, I was feeling grateful for all things in my life.

Having an attitude of gratitude does make life sweeter…. It’s all about choices and which choice you and I are going to make in how we feel. May you enjoy all the abundance that is yours today and every day.

With much love,


About I am Alice

If anyone would have asked me three years ago if I had ever considered writing books, I would have promptly answered, "No." Today, it is a very natural feeling to write. I suppose since I enjoy talking so much, and I mean a lot, it should not have surprised me! I love communicating through writing as I feel completely united with my soul and my thoughts flow, often times as well as tears as I am altogether emerged in that feeling, in that moment. Check out the "About Alice" page to find out why I titled this site, "I am Alice" and why, "It Feels Good To Be ME."
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