Why Worry?

“Worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.”  I am not sure who originally said this but it’s a great truth for you and I.  For many years I spent a lot of time worrying about anything and everything that entered my mind.  Without realizing it, I was nurturing those negative thoughts and that is what I continued to attract into my life.  Just like a magnet, whatever you are focused on is what the magnet picks up and brings to you.  I am so thankful that this is no longer how I live my life!

In 2008, I began making shifts that would greatly impact my thoughts.  I had a grand desire to live everyday thinking positively and I set my intention on changing any negative thought into a positive one.  There was times I called a dear friend of mine who mentored me in how to make these mindset shifts.

It didn’t take long before I began to feel the positive vibrational shifts as they were happening inside of me.  I liked how I felt and wanted more of the same.  I had moved from a place of feeling desperation, sadness, and defeat to a place of feeling hope and an excitement to embrace life.  I stopped worrying!

I realized that when you worry, you are sending negative vibrations into the universe and that is exactly what you attract, more of the same.  So, whether it’s positive or negative vibrations that you feel, that’s what you are attracting into your life.  It is that simple.

Truly my life turned around in a matter of two weeks when I shifted my mindset to nurturing positive thoughts instead of negative ones.  This was the beginning of living a worry free life and it’s a great life!

I would like to encourage you to focus on positive thoughts which will attract more of the same.  Let’s welcome each new day with, “Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations.”

With much love,


About I am Alice

If anyone would have asked me three years ago if I had ever considered writing books, I would have promptly answered, "No." Today, it is a very natural feeling to write. I suppose since I enjoy talking so much, and I mean a lot, it should not have surprised me! I love communicating through writing as I feel completely united with my soul and my thoughts flow, often times as well as tears as I am altogether emerged in that feeling, in that moment. Check out the "About Alice" page to find out why I titled this site, "I am Alice" and why, "It Feels Good To Be ME."
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2 Responses to Why Worry?

  1. Joan says:

    Hello and GOOD day to you, Alice! Wonderful message this morning 🙂

    I listen to a CD of Florence Scovel Shinn’s book … ‘The Game of Live’ when I drive to work and on it she remembers someone who said; “Why worry … it will probably never happen anyway.”

    Happy Monday to you and everyone reading your blog! Best part of my day 🙂 Thanks so much!

  2. I am Alice says:

    I love Florence Shovel Shinn’s book, “The Game of Life and How to Play it.” I actually recall reading that story in her book. Thanks bunches for sharing it…. Have a beautiful day… 🙂

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